Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Canning Peaches

Canner (not pressure canner) http://www.walmart.com/ip/Granite-Ware-21.5-Quart-Canner-With-Rack/10543332
canning jars, prepared (clean in dishwasher or boil them)
lids, prepared (in simmering water bath)

Honey-Spiced Peaches
makes about six pint jars
1 cup graduated sugar
4 cups water
2 cups honey, liquid
8 pounds small peaches, peeled, halved, pitted, treated to prevent browning and drained
6 cinnamon sticks
1 1/2 tsp whole allspice
3/4 tsp whole cloves

1. Prepare peaches:

  • Boil water in a large pot boil
  • Prepare a large bowl with water and ice
  • Prepare a large bowl with 8 cups water and 1 cup lemon juice
  • With a small knife make a "x" on the bottom of the peach
  • Once the water is gently boiling place prepared peaches in water for 2-3mins remove peaches from boiling water and place into the ice water for several minutes.
  • Repeat the above until all peaches are completed
  • With the pairing knife remove skin, cut peach in 1/2 and place into the lemon water. Repeat with all peaches.

2. In a large stainless steal pan, combine sugar, water and honey. Bring to a boil over med-high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Reduce heat until low, add peaches one layer at a time and warm until heated.

3. Using a slotted spoon, pack hot peaches, cavity side down into hot jars with generous 1/2 inch of top jar. Add 1 cinnamon stick, 1/4 tsp allspice, 1/8 tsp clove to each jar. Ladle hot syrup into jar to cover peaches, leaving 1/2 inch at the top for head space. Remove air bubbles and adjust head space, if necessary, by adding hot syrup. Wipe rim. Center lid on jar. Screw band down until resistance is met, then increase to fingertip-tight.

4. Place jar in canner, ensuring they are completely covered with water. Bring to a boil and process for 25 minutes. Remove canner lid. Wait 5 minutes, then remove, cool and store.

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